Koç University greatly values contributions from alumni and friends to sustain its excellence in education and research. If you are living and paying taxes in the United States, you can make tax-exempt donations to Koç University through Koç Education Culture and Healthcare Foundation (KECHF).
KECHF is recognized by the IRS as a Section 501(c)(3) exempt organization constituting a public charity supporting Koç University and its affiliates. Accordingly, contributions by US entities are also tax deductible in accordance with US tax law.
Koç Education, Culture and Healthcare Foundation (KECHF)
C/o Ramerica
12 East 49th South St 33rd Fl
New York, NY 10017
Bank of America
550 Fifth Avenue New York NY 10036
Koç Education, Culture and Healthcare Foundation (KECHF)
Checking: 483048582521
Wire ABA: 026009593
Please uses the Fidelity account with the following details:
“Fidelity DTC 0226 for further credit to KECHF account Z73-016390”.